Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness
On line CBT Mindfulness – FREE 30 Minutes Consultation available by Appointment
Creating Positive Behavioural Changes
1 HOUR WORKSHOPS AVAILABLE for Corporate Clients
Face-to Face Appointments available on request
Holistic Nutritional Therapy is a natural way of working with you to heal your body and your mind.
I use a combination of Behavioural Change Therapies including CBT Mindfulness and Relaxation Therapies to relieve stress and create positive changes to let go of negative behavior patterns that are causing you anxiety and holding you back emotionally and physically.
The aim is to work with YOU to address the root causes of any imbalance, or health issue rather than suppress the symptoms.
By unblocking any of your physical or emotional imbalances, the body can work harmoniously to create optimal well being. Nutrition and Exercise are also contributory to our Mental health and Wellbeing and together we can create an individual top to toe therapy that suits your personal needs.
Recent research is identified that diet can help future-proof your mental health, and that a bad diet can have a negative impact on your mind.
A healthy diet is now considered to be a valuable weapon in our arsenal against depression.
Most clients understand the reasons for having a healthy lifestyle, reducing stress, losing weight, and having a lifestyle that is balanced between work and home.
However, people need support and guidance on how to change poor choices into good habits and how to sustain and create a positive permanent change required to be happy, maintain good health and prevent chronic disease or a lack of general well being through stress and bad life choices.
Weight Management Programme
Do You want a kick-start to prevent lazy habits and to keep you feeling young and fresh?
Have You have tried multiple diets without success: you want a plan inspired by nature and powered by science that will work for you?
AME4CHANGE uses the TR90 Weight Mgt Programme and incorporates Nutritional Consultancy, CBT to create positive changes to combat the negative triggers that may cause you to eat more, and Food Intolerance Tests to identify foods that can increase your size and weight through intolerances.
FREE 20 minute consultation to find out more:
Appointments can be On line or alternatively face to face appointments and the duration is usually for 1 hour, although an initial consultation may be for longer.
How can Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) help?
Healthy lifestyle changes are achievable with appropriate interventions and unlock the solution within you. This includes nutritional counseling, exercise, training, and stress management techniques to improve outcomes and to assist people already suffering from chronic disease.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you make sense of overwhelming problems by breaking them down into smaller parts, not just for Nutritional issues, but for stress, anxieties, panic attacks, anger management, and other negative patterns you wish to address. The journey is about you.
What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a recognised talking therapy that tackles your problems by changing the way you think and behave.
CBT is goal-orientated and focused by definition:
At the beginning of your therapy, we will identify the specific areas you would like to focus on is , and to implement a bespoke programme to get you to where you want to go.
The therapy relationship is one of collaboration and goal orientated, and the focus on thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors is key in CBT.
The goal is for you as a person to develop healthier behavioral choices. Specific techniques, strategies, and methods are used to help you to focus on and achieve the goals that YOU have identified.

CBT aims to stop negative cycles that can affect how you feel both physically and emotionally that have very often been there since you were a child, and create positive changes
By taking action to make the positive changes you wish to focus on, CBT can reduce and remove the negative thoughts and feelings that can trap you in a vicious cycle.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a very simple concept and means paying attention in a particular way, in the present moment, and is a technique used worldwide to help people cope with stress, pain, anxieties, and illness. At AME4CHANGE , It is used in conjunction with CBT. You will be taught a practical way to notice your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. In a world where it has become normal to feel miserable, mindfulness techniques can teach you how to feel differently in a challenging world.
For further information, AME4Change offers the opportunity for a 10-minute phone call to answer your questions and to explore whether Holistic Nutritional Therapy and CBT is the right route for you. Request a callback
Tel UK: +447879495501
Tel: Malta +35699691531