Six years ago I was suffering with hypersensitivity to a lot of chemicals and products in make-up, shampoo’s and conditioner’s, air freshers, clothes washing and household products, soap and even simple things like washing up liquid which was making my life miserable as I would come up with huge hard white blisters on my hands, this is known as a contact allergic reaction, which was very painful and if a severe reaction to something unknown I would come out in a rash from head to toe.
To think that it could not get any worse, after 2 ½ years I started to get bad acid reflux
But what made me seek out Anna was I was getting more unwell and the medication I was taken was only treating the symptom when it worked, but I wanted to find the cause.
So I arranged a consultation with Anna and a food allergy test. Well I was amazed, it turns out I was intolerant to Wheat, Rye, and garlic. Wow I was so ecstatic and over the moon it made total sense as everything my body was intolerant too I had all that and more in one single meal. I cannot explain how elated I was, it was like a huge weight off my shoulders to know i wasn’t going mad and feeling like a total hypochondriac ..I just knew there had to be a logical reason.
After a week of trying to get my head round this intolerance, and avoiding wheat, rye and garlic, I had started to notice some changes
Anna asked me to keep a food diary and noticed in my diet a lot of sweet products and she asked me to reduce the sugar intake, and within 3 weeks
WOW is the only word to describe this.. my acid reflux had stopped, that in itself is the most amazing feeling ever, being pain free and not losing three days of my week being so ill, but also my energy was coming back big time. I was starting to feel fantastic, and was getting back to my normal self.
I have lost 19lb in weight, my bmi is below normal now, and my swollen midriff and stomach are flat, and I have lost 3 inches off my entire body mass.
I feel on top of the world, all thanks to Anna, who is an amazing caring lovely woman, and I cannot thank her enough.